Our Views
GOPmama's View
I wasn't always a conservative and certainly not a registered Republican. For a really long time, I was what I called a "moderate liberal", although, looking back, maybe I wasn't all that liberal either. Honestly, I don't really remember being all that into politics, except for the fact that while I was in college, I wrote letters to soldiers in Desert Storm and I was supportive of our actions overseas. Other than that, I didn't really pay much attention to the news and just went about my life just worried about myself... until I became a parent.
Honestly, even then, I was more worried about juggling lots of little ones at the same time than I was about what President Clinton was doing in the Oval Office in his "spare time".
Then, 9/11 happened and my life changed. Forever. I think I became a conservative overnight. In an instant, I noticed everything going on in the world and I didn't like what I saw. I became active in my community and became informed. I watched the news, read the paper, read lots of books and went back to church.
My family's security became my number one priority and still remains my number one focus and driving force behind my political views.
How Ms Lib R. Tea Does Politics
With Republicans pushing Democracy, Democrats pushing Socialism, and even the Constitution Party pushing a moral agenda the meaning of political labels these days has been pretty much reduced to Newspeak in my eyes. For the sake of simplicity I'd call myself a libertarian, since my views mostly align under that very large political umbrella, but what I really am is an Independent in every sense of the word.
I believe the founding fathers created this country to be a community of free agents whose disputes over rights were to be mediated by an infinitesimal "hands off" government. I believe that the citizens of this country should be able to do whatever they see fit to do so long as they do not violate the rights of an unwilling third party, and that the government should consist of only those offices enumerated in the Constitution-plus one man in a very dark basement somewhere.
While I certainly hold my own personal morals that I adhere to, I believe that the law should be morally neutral and based on the objective assessment of our right to absolute autonomy-in short, I am pro choice on every issue while demanding that people take personal responsibility for the choices they make.
And no-I do not now nor have I ever owned or worn a tinfoil hat.
How The Liberal Mom Feels
As a kid, I didn't care about politics. They weren't an important issue to my family, so they were not important to me. Not until I took a law class in high school, did I actually learn how big of a part the government plays in our lives. I did have some strong opinions about some of the moves that
the government had made, but I never took a stand.
As a young adult, with two children, I realize now more then ever how important it is to take a stand on the issues that need to be stood up for. Things like abortion, gay rights (or for that matter, equal rights for all),
and the environment, to name a few.
In the end, the main thing I am extremely passionate about is having my kids live in a world that is less worried about the economy, and more worried about the world we are leaving behind for our future generations.
Some may say I live in a hippy mentality, and maybe they are right. But, I would rather live in a world that gave people equal rights, and care about the nature that has given so much to them, then live in a world that is purely about money.
"A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future." - Leonard Bernstein