
The Environment

Red Green and Blue talk about Global Warming, endangered animals, and nature-and the money behind it.
America in the Middle East

U.S. Involvement in the Middle East

As troops surge in and controversy rises, read our articles about America's involvement.


Red Green and Blue talks about this controversial topic that touches us all.
US Borders

US Border Control

Red Green and Blue walk the line on US Borders.

GOP Mama & the Sell-Outs aka The Media

Pretty sure if you are even slightly clever, you can figure out how I feel about the media these days....
I am fed up!
And, it's funny, because apparently I completely disagree with the White House. Where I feel that FOX News may be one of the last legitimate cable news channels, apparently the WH feels that they are comparable to terrorists. Ok, ok, no one has actually come out and said, " FOX News is terrorists", but they sure have singled FOX out and are doing their best to divert viewers from watching.
Ok, maybe no one on FOX has a tingle down their leg when they hear President Obama speak.
And, maybe they don't drool over his "chiseled pecs".
But, they do keep it real and talk about legitimate stories like Van Jones and the corruption of ACORN.
Why try to discredit one of the only news stations that actually tries to step outside of party lines and just deliver the news? Even Saturday Night Live has been showing more creditability than CNN, who took it upon themselves to actually FACT CHECKED a skit that poked fun of President Obama.


And, now, rumor has it that newspapers may be seeking a bailout to help with their dismal readership. Surely not going to try to remedy that one with decent writing, right? Nope.
Go straight for the bail-out and forget about ethics.
Yeah, because 99% of the papers and news stations aren't being "bought" enough. Let's let the government own them and surely we will continue to get "unbiased" news, just like in Cuba.

God help us!

'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. ~ Thomas Payne


  1. Jenny said...

    WTH? I never heard about CNN fact checking a SNL skit?! That is just insane and over the top!

    I started boycotting CNN before the elections. I am so happy Glenn Beck is over at Fox News now.

  2. Jenny said...

    One more thing, maybe CNN should start fact checking Obama's history. They have been covering for him so much.

  3. CaitStClair said...

    While I agree that it's difficult to find unbiased news, I never would have thought to call FOX "...one of the last legitimate cable news channels..."
    And as for trying to remedy the situation with decent writing, I'm sure you were just teasing and that you know the reason newspapers are going under is because the majority of people get their news online now, right?

  4. Ms Lib R. Tea said...

    I agree with you that the government has no business bailing out the media. As far as I'm concerned they have no business with the media at all.

    Still, I do agree with Cait in that I don't believe that Fox is any more legitimate than any other news channels, and I agree that the reason TV news is going under is definitely because of the internet.

  5. GOPmama said...

    I definitely agree that the internet is winning the "ratings war" :)