GOP Mama + 9 Kids = 1 Less Rainforest
I am not an environmentalist.
As a matter of fact, I am almost 100% certain that my family of 11 has single-handedly destroyed the rainforest simply by the amount of toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, napkins, diapers, etc. that we use in just a year's span.
Not something I am overly proud of, just stating the facts.
I'd love to say that we will stop using those products, or use less, to help conserve and to "save" the environment, but who am I kidding? I use paper products to make my life easier.
Call me selfish.
Go ahead.
I can take it.
It's not that I don't care. Of course I do.
But, I can only do what is reasonably possible for me to do as a human being,
as an American.
I understand the desire to have us take care of our planet, but I do not agree that it should be mandated. I do not agree that the government should be able to tell me what foods I can eat, what temperature my house should be set at, what type of fuel I can use, or what type of car I should drive, which, btw, have you ever seen an environmentally friendly vehicle that seats 11? I'm just sayin'.
No, I don't need the government to tell me how I can help the environment. I think I do just fine on my own.
I recycle, even though I live in a state that doesn't.
I use organic or natural products.
My children hand down their clothes to one another.
I set my thermostat at 62 degrees in the winter and 77 degrees in the summer. I do this not because I like to freeze in the winter or that I like to sweat in the summer, but because it's what I can afford and I certainly don't need anyone but my bank account to tell me so.
No, I don't need the government telling me how I can be more environmentally conscious. Nope, not until they come to my home and live in my house, on my budget.
Thanks, but no thanks.
I know "they" think they know better, but seriously, who are they kidding?
Until "they" stop wasting 1000+ pages of bloviation on bills that they never read before signing into law, they will not only not have my respect, but they won't have my ear either.
When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon. ~ Thomas Payne
October 13, 2009 at 8:16 AM
I definitely agree! The government has no business telling me what I can, cannot, or must spend money on.
PS-Electric cars use more energy than regular cars because they are made as separate parts in separate countries then shipped to an entirely different country to be put together, then shipped to our country to be sold. They then run through batteries like no body's business. They are not as 'environmentally friendly' as people think.
October 13, 2009 at 9:02 PM
I totally agree. The government needs to look into what they are spending money on!