The Liberal Mom on Border Control
I love areas that are culturally diverse. The way that other people live their lives has always been very interesting to me. The different religions, the different traditions, the different definitions as to what family is or what it is suppossed to be ... the food. The food is usually pretty flipping good. Fact is, I want my daughters to grow up knowing that people are different. There will be children sitting next to them in class, who believe in a different God, eat different things, do things different from them.
So that being said, I have no problem with people coming here to live.
What I do have a problem with, is people doing it illegally. A bigger problem, that the process to become legal, is long, and very hard. So I understand. Do I think it should come to extremes like the Texas Minutemen? No. I think the government should be doing their job, and making borders more secure, while making it easier for someone to become an American citizen.
Instead, illegals come across the borders, get hired for jobs that actual citizens could use, live in America without paying taxes, YET, are able to get services from the tax payers own pockets. That isn't right, and why the government has continued this, I do not know.
Why don't they set up a program for illegals? Fact is, these people leave their homes for a reason, and they need help. If a person gets caught entering the country illegally to get a job, why don't they set up a program where a full security check is given, they provide shelter and food in a building, (kind of like a homeless shelter), to wait out the process of becoming an official citizen, then help them get on their feet? That way, yes, it would take some tax payers money, but it would be going to someone who is trying to become a legal citizen.
In the process of waiting, maybe they could get training for jobs. Trades, for example, and teaching people how to speak English, if they don't already, or to read and write, if they can't.
The benefit? Creating a lot of new jobs for people who need them in a new system, and some new citizens going out into the country, paying taxes, and enjoying the freedom of America, without stealing to do so.
Anyways, as a person who believes that all people should be treated fairly and equally, I think there are many solutions to this problem. The government just HAS to step up to the plate, and figure out a way to be firm about where the country's money is going, but also be diplomatic and willing to lend a hand to it's neighboring people, who are screaming, for an opportunity.
October 3, 2009 at 6:03 PM
Although I agree with you about the fact that it should not take so long or so many hopps for people to become citizens, I definitely disagree that the government should be responsible for the people coming into the country.
October 4, 2009 at 1:21 AM
Good post! It's good to see that across the board we can all agree on something...for the most part =)
I agree with you, but I also agree with GOPmama. America already has emergency programs for refugees-the truth is that most of the illegal immigrants in this country are not refugees. They want to be in America and use our programs but they don't want to pay taxes or be accountable to our laws.
October 7, 2009 at 7:19 AM
In a perfect world your idea would work well. However, in a perfect world we wouldn't need your idea because we wouldn't have this problem. Obviously we don't live in a perfect world which is why I don't think your idea will work. For one thing, there are to many people that don't think we should let others in and they are very verbal and abusive about it. I imagine that they would react to this "shelter" much the way some pro-lifers do to abortion clinics and lots of people would get killed over it. It also seems like that would take alot of taxpayer dollers which, ofcourse, people are going to object to.